Sorin Oncu








Still Life 4 - Twittering Machine
The audio installation “Twittering Machine“ is settled around the parallel of interrogation and interview executed by different agencies in pursuit of information and the abuse of these proceedings. The title “Twittering Machine” referring to the ambiguity of Paul Klee's artwork with the same title, an irony of a mechanical pursuits, is emphasising the contradictory practice of institutionalised torture in obtaining valid informations. The caged dismantled feathered tape recorder, the torture table with tools used to dismantle the recorder and an interrogation table numbered with Guantanamo Bay postal code with a broken lamp and a taped interview of Arthur Asher Miller regarding the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) 1950’ FBI interrogations, are undersized elements of this satirical “Twittering Machine”.
Still Life 4 - Twittering Machine, 2014, bird cage, yellow feathers, voice recorder, plastic, torture table with tools used to dismantle the recorder (screwdriver, pliers, cutter), interrogation table numbered with Guantanamo Bay postal code, broken lamp, audiotape (interview with Arthur Miller), dimensions variable